Health Office

      Maureen Morgan MCH BSN RN NJ-CSN
      Suzanne Donovan RN BSN  


When to Keep Your Student Home

Athletic Physical Forms

Drop Athletic Physicals in the link below:
Athletic Physical Fall 2022

The NJ Department of Education has issued an Athletic Pre-Participation Physical Evaluation Packet that all athletes must submit prior to participation in an interscholastic sport. The physical is valid for 365 days from the date the exam was was performed. This athletic packet and the forms within have been developed by the NJ Department of Education in conjunction with the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP), American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), American College of Sports Medicine, American Medical Society for Sports Medicine, American Orthopedic Society for Sports Medicine, and the American Osteopathic Academy of Sports Medicine. This athletic packet MUST be used for ALL student physical examinations prior to participation in school-sponsored interscholastic and intramural sports.

Incomplete forms will not be accepted!

  • The date of the physical MUST be on the form.

  • The sport needs to be indicated on the form.

The Doctor's stamp MUST be on the form.
The athletic packet includes the following required forms:
Pre-participation Physical Evaluation (PPE) which includes:

1. History Form (filled out & signed by a parent/guardian)
2. The Athlete With Special Needs: Supplemental History Form ( If necessary: be completed & signed by parent )
3. Physical Examination Form (completed and signed by a physician)
4. Clearance Form (completed and signed by a physician in two places)

Athletic physicals must be submitted IN PERSON and approved by the Health Office.

  • All athletic forms are available on the athletics website

  • Participation in athletics is based on the results of your personal physician/clinic medical examination and report, the school physician's clearance is based on that examination. This complies with the requirements of NJAC 6A:16-2.2.

  • Students that plan on participating in another sport/season and have already submitted an Athletic Packet for the current year and this PPE has not expired need only submit the state-required Health Update Questionnaire prior to try-outs or practices.  The updated form must be completed and signed by the parent/guardian. If you are unsure what forms are required for your child, please have the student check with the school nurse.

    Thank you for your cooperation.

Important Health Updates

Covid 19 Information:  Please see the district website for all Covid 19 updates and guidelines on the Covid Dashboard.

Driver Ed. Eye Exams

Driver's education eye examinations can be scheduled with the health office between 9:00 AM and 2:00 PM.  Students MUST utilize their own free time either during lunch or at a free period for these exams. The exams are done at the discretion of the school nurse and may need to be rescheduled if there is an emergency or the office is busy. All other questions regarding obtaining a driver's permit should be directed to Mr. Ron Knott or Mr. Peter Kay.

Health Screenings

Each year, students that do NOT submit a Pre-participation Physical Evaluation (Athletic Physical) are required by State code N.J.A.C. 6A: 16-2.2 to be screened annually for height, weight, and blood pressure. Visual and hearing acuity screening is usually conducted in 10th grade. Screening for scoliosis shall be conducted biennially for students between the ages of 10 and 18 pursuant to State code N.J.S.A. 18A: 4.0-4-3.

If you prefer that your child not be screened, please submit that request in writing and return it to the health office (an email is acceptable). A vital part of our school health services requires up-to-date records on each student. Please keep the Health Services office informed of any new immunizations, medical treatments, or medications your child may receive so the health records remain current.

Resources for students with no Medical Home/Insurance

Valley Hospital Community Health (Immunizations and basic physical exam forms)
Department of Community Health Immunization Clinic
4th Wednesday of each month at Church of the Good Shepard (Rock Road and Ackerman Avenue)
233 South Highwood Avenue
Glen Rock, NJ 07452

Valley Hospital's Community Care (Comprehensive health care-must follow intake financial protocol)
Contact: Betty Buechnerhee - Coordinator of Community Care Program
1114 Goffle Road
Hawthorne, NJ 07506

Health Coverage
NJ Family Care
P.O. Box 4818
Trenton, NJ 08650-8955


Athletic Physical Forms

The NJ Department of Education has issued an Athletic Pre-Participation Physical Evaluation Packet that all athletes must submit prior to participation in an interscholastic sport. The physical is valid for 365 days from the date the exam was was performed. This athletic packet and the forms within have been developed by the NJ Department of Education in conjunction with the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP), American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), American College of Sports Medicine, American Medical Society for Sports Medicine, American Orthopedic Society for Sports Medicine, and the American Osteopathic Academy of Sports Medicine. This athletic packet MUST be used for ALL student physical examinations prior to participation in school-sponsored interscholastic and intramural sports.

Incomplete forms will not be accepted!

  • The date of the physical MUST be on the form.

  • The sport needs to be indicated on the form.

The Doctor's stamp MUST be on the form.
The athletic packet includes the following required forms:
Pre-participation Physical Evaluation (PPE) which includes:

1. History Form (filled out & signed by a parent/guardian)
2. The Athlete With Special Needs: Supplemental History Form ( If necessary: be completed & signed by parent )
3. Physical Examination Form (completed and signed by a physician)
4. Clearance Form (completed and signed by a physician in two places)

Athletic physicals must be submitted IN PERSON and approved by the Health Office.

  • All athletic forms are available on the athletics website

  • Participation in athletics is based on the results of your personal physician/clinic medical examination and report, the school physician's clearance is based on that examination. This complies with the requirements of NJAC 6A:16-2.2.

  • Students that plan on participating in another sport/season and have already submitted an Athletic Packet for the current year and this PPE has not expired need only submit the state-required Health Update Questionnaire prior to try-outs or practices.  The updated form must be completed and signed by the parent/guardian. If you are unsure what forms are required for your child, please have the student check with the school nurse.

    Thank you for your cooperation.


Medication In School

The following is the procedure for the administration of medications by the school nurse: All medications require a prescription and parental consent. There are medication administration forms available in the health office. These are to be completed by a physician and signed by a parent/guardian. Any prescription medication must be in the original pharmacy bottle with the student’s name and instructions for dispensing on the label. There is an area on the form to designate self-administration. This applies to epi-pens and asthma inhalers. All other medication is to be administered in the health office. This procedure applies to students who require medication during the school day. Early morning and after school medications are not administered in school. Over the counter medications, Acetaminophen, Advil, and Tums have been approved by the Ridgewood Public Schools Health and Wellness Advisory Committee and are available in the health office. Only the School Nurse may administer these medications. Parental Consent must be obtained before any non-prescription medication can be given to your child. The Health office does not provide cough drops.


Inhaler or EpiPen

If your son/daughter requires an EpiPen or an inhaler in school, please be sure to send it in to the health office. Also, remember to enclose the necessary forms. It is very important that I have these items in the event of an emergency


Physical Education Excuses

Students who wish to be excused from participating in Physical Education due to health reasons must report to their physical education teacher with a signed note from their parent. A contact number must be on the note. Physical Education classes that have been excused with a parent note must be made up on the student's own time. Please arrange with the PE teacher. Medical excuses from a physician to excuse a student from Physical Education because of an injury or illness must be submitted to the Health Office. If a student is unable to participate in Physical Education for more than 3 weeks because of a documented medical condition an alternate program may be required to accommodate the injury or illness according to NJ Physical Education Mandates. Students with a chronic condition that submit a medical note will be required to have the treating physician submit an Adaptive Physical Education form so the state-required physical education component is met and a PE program can be adapted to his/her particular condition.